Sunday, 27 January 2013


Shooting into the sun can give some interesting silhouettes, but it can also give some interest to the background if there is a nice colourful sunset. The images of the Short-eared Owl here were shot into a setting sun, and give a pleasant "half-silhouette" with a peach of a sky. The image of the Great-black Backed Gull were taken with the setting sun to the left, and give a nice tint with the brown background complimenting the fading light - a bit more interesting than the usual black and white bird against a blue or white sky.

Thursday, 24 January 2013


It's been nearly four months since my last post - lousy weather being the main reason for a lack of output. I did spend two weeks in Germany seeing my daughter get her Ph.D but didn't get much birding time, and the weather there was no better than here. We returned mid-December to find a Council worker had put his JCB through the telephone line to our village, so no 'phone, internet or e-mail for the next 10 days. Then it was Christmas, New Year and all, and, since then we've had one sunny day!
In desperation, I went to the harbour this afternoon to photograph our flock of Purple Sandpipers. The light (or lack of it) was depressing, but with the aid of a bit of white-balance adjustment and a fair dose of 'shopping, I got some half-decent images, but no sparkle from the sun.
The problem with the Purps is that they go there to roost at high tide so just sit there asleep with heads tucked under their wings. You just have to hang about until one moves!

All images were taken with a Canon EOS 1D Mk IV, F4 500mm IS II lens and 1.4 Mk III converter on a Gitzo tripod.

1/30th sec @F14,  ISO 1600.

All other images 1/250th sec @ F5.6,  ISO 1600.